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Following are step-by-step directions on how to prepare CHRIS CAGLE's favorite meal as he told it to Lorianne and Charlie for The Crook and Chase Countdown!
2 bottles of Wolf Blass (Yellow Label) Cabernet  (Chris says that it's kind of undiscovered, so you can get it for around $11 a bottle.)
8-10 oz. filet mignon (one for each person you're serving)
1 lb. of new potatoes
Medium onion
Clove of garlic
Dill weed
Virgin olive oil
Black peppercorn
Half a lemon
Parmesan cheese
1.  Put the filets in a stainless steel bowl, and cover them with one of the bottles of wine. Set aside to marinate. Preheat grill.

2.  Take a pound of new potatoes, quarter them. Slice onion, and crush one clove of garlic. Mix and put on a big sheet of aluminum foil. Put two fingers over the top of a bottle of virgin olive oil and drizzle oil over the top. Sprinkle with ground pepper and dill weed. Fold it over and down, and put in 400 degree oven for 45 minutes.

3.  Take a pairing knife and peel back the bottom ends of the asparagus. Blanch the asparagus for about three minutes (just until the water starts getting "celery green".) Take them out and plunge them into ice-cold water.

4.  Take fresh peppercorns and smash with butcher knife. Rub into filet. Cook meat on grill. When meat starts getting just the way you like it, lay asparagus side-by-side in a sheet on the grill (of course in a way that they won't fall through!!) After 2 minutes, as the asparagus gets grill marks, put your hand over the top and just roll them over. When you take the asparagus off the grill, squeeze a half lemon over the top and sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

5.  Serve filet, potatoes and asparagus with the second bottle of Cabernet, and you have Chris Cagle's favorite meal!